Poptropica Mythology Island Walkthrough

Looking for Poptropica cheats and full island walkthroughs? On this page you will find all of the cheats and walkthrough guides that I have put together for your convenience. Poptropica CheatsThere are not really any cheats in the Poptropica game. When people talk about cheats, they are most likely referring to island guides are little hints and tips on how to get past certain parts of the different islands.If you do actually cheat within the game, you will most likely get a band from playing Poptropica and if you are a member, will get that membership revoked with no chance in getting your money back.With that said, i strongly advice against cheating and I encourage simply asking and looking for help! Poptropica Island WalkthroughsI know I do not have all of the island walkthroughs put together just yet. But I am planning on getting them all done!

The great news is I will have all of the newest island walkthroughs completed for you and they will be found at the top of this list. So for the full Poptropica Island walkthroughs, please see below!Also, most of these full written walkthoughs will have a link and an embed of the video walkthrough!That is it for all of the Poptropica Island Walthroughs! Remember to keep coming back as I will always be adding to this list.

Ythology Island is the 12th island on Poptropica. It opened to Poptropica's paid monthlymembers on April 1, 2010, and to general free use on April 29, 2010.- This solution contains spoilers -Entering Mythology Island: Olympus VillageOn this Main Street, the Olympus Museum is at the left, and to the right is Herc's HeroHut, the gate to Mount Olympus, and the Midas Gym (the multiplayer meeting room). The areato the left is the forest and to the right is the Grove of Temples.1. Enter the museum and browse the Greek Mythology history and the various gods andgoddesses. The only item to acquire is the Starfish which is on Poseidon's statue.2. The gate to Mount Olympus is locked until late in the game. Hercules is in the HeroHut selling autographs, but nothing in there is ever functional.The Grove of TemplesGo right from Olympus Village.

The temple is to the Nine Muses, who inspire human scholarsand artists.1. Go in and to the far right there are free Reed Pipes (flutes). Take one and go tothe statue of Euterpe (in the group nearer the entrance).2. Repeat the song she teaches you note-by-note, and Euterpe will give you a song thatcan put Cerberus to sleep.The Tree of ImmortalityLeave the Grove, go left past Olympus Village to the forest.

The Tree of Immortality ismostly decoration, and the statues dare you to eat an apple from it (there is only one,and it is in the next frame above the forest).1. Climb the steps and go up into the tree.

Mythology Island is the 12th island on Poptropica, featuring Greek gods and mythical creatures. Jul 07, 2014  This is the full walkthrough for the sound-updated Mythology Island on Poptropica, complete with captions and time codes. Mighty Zeus, king of the gods, needs a hero.

There are serpents you can climb andmushrooms which will bounce you up to the next step. The central area has a 'honey' spillwhich is only barely climbable.2. Find the satyr at the top right, who will show you the way to reach the Golden Appleif you collect 10 pots of honey within 60 seconds.

There are about three to either sideand four down the middle, and it is easier to get the top ones first.3. When you go up the hidden path and get the apple, Zeus angrily appears. But heoffers you a task, recovering 5 sacred items for him in exchange for your immortality.Looking over the scroll, the items are: 1) a flower from the Garden of the Sphinx - farleft, 2) the nose ring of the Minotaur - also left, 3) a scale from the Hydra - Poseidon'slair, 4) a giant pearl - also Poseidon's, and 5) a whisker from the dog-beast Cerberus -in Hades.4. After Zeus leaves, you are visited by Athena (his daughter) who warns you about Zeusand offers her help. When you see a glowing olive, it means that there is a helpful hint.The Garden of the Sphinx and the Cave of the MinotaurCross the bridge to the right from the forest.

There is a huge creature (the Sphinx) in agarden setting. Wood and stone aqueducts are spilling water about the scene. At the farleft is the cave of the Minotaur.1. The creature (Sphinx) wants water returned to the Garden.

Climb up from the entranceand open the water flow into the aqueduct. There are four control levers and two woodengates. Once all of the water is flowing into the lake, you can go back to the Sphinx.2.

You will find the Sacred Flower. Climb above it to a tree with red pomegranatefruits. Collect these and go to the cave entrance.3. The lock to the entrance is musical, with eight notes according to the color code ofthe Reed Pipe: blue-blue-green-yellow-yellow-red-blue-green.4.

The Minotaur ushers you into his labyrinth, which is large but not particularlyconfusing. Go across the top until you hit a chain, then straight down from there (notback to the left). There are three challenges in the maze. The first involves a riddle,removing 6 bones from an arrangement of 15, leaving '10' (the nine bones that spell theletters TEN). The scorpion pit requires you to simply jump over him. The Red-Eyed Snake iselusive, but if you have fast reflexes, you can catch him three times as he pops out(peripheral vision is helpful). Your other option is to click at one of the holes for afew minutes until he pops out there (the Red-eye works his way around to all 12 holesevery few cycles).

There is no indication that you have succeeded until you tag him threetimes.5. Take the ring from the Minotaur's nose.The Realms of Hades and PoseidonThese two sequences are to the right in the Grove of Temples, and each has a templeinterior and a throne room (which you access much later in the game).

Commander of the pacific fleet. CS1 maint: uses authors parameter. Retrieved 1 February 2019. Joint History Office.

Because of a specialtravel item, you should do the Poseidon realm first, then come back to the Hades pit.1. Travel all the way back to the Village, and through the Grove of Temples until youreach the realms of Hades (below) and Poseidon (farther right).

Use the mud elevators toreach Poseidon's realm on the far right side of the Hades temple.2. Galastories game free download pc. In the Poseidon temple, place the Starfish on the altar, which opens the entrance tothe realm. You will find a beach scene on a blue lake, with bikini girls and even asurfer-dude Triton as lifeguard.

You also find Aphrodite, the goddess sister of Athena.3. Use your memory to identify five gods and goddesses on Aphrodite's test. (Theanswers are Ares, Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Hestia.) She will give you a specialtouch-screen mirror that lets you travel to and from any realm you have previouslyvisited, without the need for a lengthy hike.4.

Dive into the lake and swim underwater through the rock maze. The bubbles will giveyou extra oxygen. Go right near the top of the maze, down the right side to the bottom,and then left to the Hydra Cave. Just above the entrance is the Giant Pearl oyster.5. To defeat the Hydra, wait until one of its heads is about to thrust toward you. Jumpup before it hits you, and land on top of it to knock the head out. After all five arekayoed, swim down to recover a scale from the creature.6.

Use the mirror to take you back to Aphrodite, then walk back right to reach the exitand go to the Hades pit.7. At the temple, clean the graffiti from the walls to earn a drachma.

Enter the templeand place the Pomegranates on the altar (there are some hints about this at the Hero Hut).Enter the realm.8. Jump down into the pit, ignoring the cartoon bat. You will find yourself with aboatman on the River Styx, which leads to Hades itself.9. As the boat moves down the river, you will find three hazards: falling rocks, fieryskulls, and river monsters.

Move backward or forward in the boat to dodge the rocks, andjump over the skulls and creatures. There are multiple sets, usually four. You cansometimes survive a hit, but if you are knocked from the boat, you must begin again.10. At the river bank, you will find Cerberus, the three-headed dog monster. Tale outthe Reed Pipe and play the 6-note song from Euterpe: blue-green-yellow-blue-red-green. Hewill take a nap and you can get one of his whiskers.11. You now have all five of the sacred items, but you cannot enter the Hades throneroom because it is blocked by a large stone.

Use the mirror to get back to Olympus Villageand go left to the Tree Of Immortality. (If you did Hades first, you cross the river withno dangers, and go back to the surface.)The Forest: Athena, Zeus, and finally HerculesThe items spell out a secret agenda for the scheming Zeus, who has been trying to wrestpower from his brothers Poseidon and Hades.1. Athena meets you at the Tree site and tells you to assemble the secret message onthe 5 sacred items. Put together, the words spell out 'Whoever wields the five sacredobjects will rule all of Poptropica'.2.

Zeus appears and steals the items from you, having no intention of making youimmortal, intent only on seizing power from Poseidon and Hades.3. Athena sends you back to Olympus Village to appeal to Hercules. He finally relentswhen told of the scheme. (At this point you definitely need the Touchscreen Mirror becausehe won't follow you on foot.) The two of you use the mirror to go to Hades.With Hercules to see Hades and Poseidon1. Hercules moves the rock from the Throne Room, and you enter to meet Hades.

Hedecides to give you his powerful Crown to use against Zeus.2. Use the mirror to travel to the underwater realm of Poseidon, where Hercules opensthe rock passage to Poseidon's throne. Poseidon gives you his powerful Trident to use. Usethe mirror to take you to the locked Olympus Gate.On Mount Olympus1. Hercules smashes open the lock on the gate and you enter Zeus's realm on MountOlympus. Unfortunately, the first hazard you meet is Medusa, who turns Hercules into astone statue.2. To the right is a high climb, but there is a way up: you use your drachma to buy a'bag of wind' from the Aeolus Wind Wagon.

(Refills are free.)3. Reaching the summit, light up the four statues of Zeus to summon him to the finalbattle. You will use the combined powers of the Crown and Trident, flying and firinglightning bolts against Zeus.Battle Against Zeus1. Use the Trident to fire bolts at Zeus as you fly around.

The health meter below Zeuswill show his weakening power if you hit him.2. Anytime he hits you, you will lose power, as indicated by the pink clouds supportingyou. If you lose them all, you must start the battle over.

Collect as many little cloudsinto your cloud as you can.3. After you have scored some hits, the process is made more difficult. Zeus begins toglow, and forms a spinning group of glowing white balls of energy. He then releases themat you, and you must dodge them by making evasive maneuvers. (This is like the spinningballs from Betty Jetty, or the razor balls from the Mordred robot.) Your bolts will onlyhurt Zeus when he is NOT glowing.4.

If you successfully avoid the bolts and balls, you can score enough hits to reduceZeus's power to zero. You have won the quest! Zeus returns the sacred items to you. Athenarewards you with the Island Medallion and you have become a hero in the realms ofOlympus!After the fact, you can meet Hades and Poseidon again, and Cerberus wakes up. The maze ofthe Minotaur has only the scorpion as a threat, and the Hydra is permanently knocked out.Zeus is not seen again after his defeat.-Small Glitch: (Poseidon) if you remove either of the boulders (Hades or Poseidon) and donot go in the throne room, and go to the other realm instead - Hercules may give youconversation if you try to go back to the original location. Move away from him and tryagain.Poseidon Throne RoomSome players may find themselves at Poseidon's throne earlier in the game because they runout of oxygen underwater. If this happens, you can get the Trident early, but you willneed the Touchscreen Mirror to escape back into the game!

Otherwise, exit using theHaunted House card from the Poptropica Store.