Fat Princess Cadence
Princess Cadence may have married Shining Armor, the stallion of her dreams and is now ruler of the Crystal Empire, but the events of the Changeling Invasion haunt her to a point where it concerns all those who care deeply about her. Now Shining Armor, Twilight and her aunts must help her confront her fears and put them to rest forever. Rated: - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance/Princess Mi Amore Cadenza - Chapters: 6 - Words: 7,694 - Reviews: - Favs: 30 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 2/10/2014 - Published: 2/2/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10076281.
Fat princess Twilight works out. By RainbowDashRules934. TRIX AND PINKIE IN: PINKIE'S INVENTION. By RainbowDashRules934. Twily's Modern Life in Bed Fellows. Baby cadence. By RainbowDashRules934. By RainbowDashRules934. Baby celestia. By RainbowDashRules934. Baby Sweetie Belle. By RainbowDashRules934. Baby applebloom 2. Grover the Waiter & Fat Blue. The Black Cat Balloon Company have created this epic set of Muppet characters out of balloons, air, and hard work.
Celestia x Shining Armor
Oi, this my first (pony) x (pony) fic. I'm not good at these…. I've tried before…. They usually don't end well. Also, I'm gonna start on a major series sometime soon. Anyway, Enjoy! MLP
(The whole story kind of takes place in Celestia's POV, but it's not told by her)
'Well, I never thought I'd see this happening. After all these years, I had lost hope.' The Sun God thought as a grin developed on her face. She stared down at the happy couple. 'Cadence and Shining Armor. Wow.' She thought again, spreading her wings. She continued to smile with a humble look in her shimmering eyes. She took a few steps back, and galloped towards the balcony she was just standing on. She playfully jumped into the air. Then, she gracefully fluttered through the sky, deep in thought. After a few moments, her gentle smile turned to a frown. She soon furrowed her brow as she thought more and more. In case you're wondering, she was thinking about Cadence and Shining Armor getting married, for she just witnessed their wedding. Because of her active imagination, one thought lead to another, and she found herself having nasty and cruel thoughts. 'What are you thinking? Celestia, you're a princess. Princesses don't get jealous. Princesses are supposed to be happy for their subjects, even a fellow princess.' She thought/scolded to herself.
Celestia kept flying through the cool night sky, unsure where she was going. She wiped her vicious thoughts from her mind and tried to think about happy things. But no matter what she thought about, Cadence and Shining Armor somehow snaked their way in it. 'Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!' The princess screamed to herself. She hoof-slapped herself a couple times, but not very hard. The alicorn dashed through a large, misty cloud, which seemed to be a cumulonimbus (thunderstorm cloud). It was black and foggy. Celestia could barely see through it! As she glided through it, she could here lightning strikes striking what-ever city she was above. She continued flying and soon, she got out the cloud and into the clear air again. Celestia looked back at the loud, and saw Rainbow Dash battling it. 'Is she crazy?' Celestia whispered to herself. She watched Rainbow Dash fly through the monster-of-a cloud. Rainbow Dash would punch and kick at it, while screaming at the top of her lungs.
Like wood, thatch, iron, nails?
'Maybe I should try to help,' Celestia asked herself.
Thanks for reading! Please review!Ibb and obb secret levels.